hathaway_runaway's Profile

Joined on Jun 29, 2012
Status Level: Novice
hathaway_runaway's Quizzes
- Are you Buffy or Faith?[published: Jul 04, 2012, 3 comments]
Hey everyone! This quiz will decipher whether you're the steady but fun-loving Buffy, or the wild,……
- Which Vampire Academy series character are you?[published: Jun 22, 2012, 5 comments]
Hey guys! So you've come here to see which complex individual from the VA series……
hathaway_runaway's Recent Posts
"I've also made a VA character quiz, titled Which Vampire Academy series character are you? It's a pretty fun and accurate qu"
"Hey VA fans (or in my case, obsessors)! Who do you think you're most like? Personally, I know I'm like Rose - I'm sassy, a li"
"Oops, sorry, forget we can't post urls. Just go to my profile and take the quiz then!"
"Ever wanted to know which side of that coin you'd be? For all Buffy and Faith enthusiasts, please take this and comment XD [no urls]"
"It's lots of fun, pretty damn detailed, and here are the characters you could get: 1. Rose 2. Dimitri"
hathaway_runaway's Recent Quiz Comments
I had to comment for the sake of laughing at this. I know I'd be a dhampir, I'm short-average height, muscular, and do…"
1 -
"Red right on the money! Good job... =P"
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"75%, wow. If you're sassy, blunt and tough, you're like me XD Solid quiz."
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"Emily, not at all like me, sorry :/ Nice quiz, but I'm definitely not shy and sweet XD"
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"Sorry, I'm not an Aries/Taurus. Nice try XD"
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"3%, haha. I'm not b----y, but definitely sassy XD Good quiz!"
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"Katniss, which, out of all the characters, is most like me. I'm not that much like her, but in the realm of characters, good quiz XD"
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"Buffy XD Awesome quiz!"
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"It's called Which Vampire Academy character are you? :)"
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"Oh, and can you please do my quiz? XD [no urls] Thanks!"