Ciel's Profile

Joined on Mar 9, 2010
Status Level: Newbie

15-Year Club
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Ciel's Recent Posts

    "Do you belive in love at first sight, or should I walk past again? "
  • Justin Bieber
    "I can't stand him o.O He sings about how much he knows about love, and how special and uniqe his love are. Omg.. Kid.. you are only l"
  • "That's exactly what I meant by not making her a Mary Sue ;) Mary Sue = A fictional female character who is perfect. "
  • "Of course I would, and I would do this things: - Write it in 3. person - No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stues - No sparkling"
  • "Alana, haha, thanks ^^ No problem. Just speaking my opinion ^^ Hikaru, aw. Poor you. Run out of words? Well, my young friend,"
  • "Omg. Lol xD So, what you really say is, that I'm not only ugly and shallow, I'm also unintelligent xD You sure know a "
  • Death Note
    "Yay! Death Note ftw! But, I must confess that I haven't seen the whole serie yet, (I'm ashamed. Really xD) so I don't know all the ch"
  • "I really like Kirby~"
  • "Carri04 My best friends are not pretty at all. A lot of them are really ugly ^^;;. But that doesn't mean that I don't think that the"
  • "Wtf o.O First, what the hell have "Gay boys kissing and such" to do with your wierd love-problems? Second, " Well, at "
  • first kiss stories here
    "Carri, that would be awesome xD I support EdwardxJacob xP"
  • "I don't really have anything against JB. I just don't like their music, and I think they made a really, really bad choise when they agreed t..."
  • Naruto
    "Agree. I haven't seen the complete Death Note-serie, but I like it way better than Naruto ^^;; Also, I don't think that DN is as conf"
  • "I Like Music, okay? You are really good at argumenting xD Relly. If someone has a different opinion than you, then they should all just "f....."
  • Naruto
    "I've seen a couple of episodes of Naruto, and I've read the manga from number 1 to, about, 20 - maybe 30. I'm not sure. I think it's "

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