Ciel's Profile
Joined on Mar 9, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
15-Year Club
Ciel's Quizzes
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Ciel's Recent Posts
"Do you belive in love at first sight, or should I walk past again? "
"I can't stand him o.O He sings about how much he knows about love, and how special and uniqe his love are. Omg.. Kid.. you are only l"
"That's exactly what I meant by not making her a Mary Sue ;) Mary Sue = A fictional female character who is perfect. "
"Of course I would, and I would do this things: - Write it in 3. person - No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stues - No sparkling"
"Alana, haha, thanks ^^ No problem. Just speaking my opinion ^^ Hikaru, aw. Poor you. Run out of words? Well, my young friend,"
"Omg. Lol xD So, what you really say is, that I'm not only ugly and shallow, I'm also unintelligent xD You sure know a "
"Yay! Death Note ftw! But, I must confess that I haven't seen the whole serie yet, (I'm ashamed. Really xD) so I don't know all the ch"
"I really like Kirby~"
"Carri04 My best friends are not pretty at all. A lot of them are really ugly ^^;;. But that doesn't mean that I don't think that the"
"Wtf o.O First, what the hell have "Gay boys kissing and such" to do with your wierd love-problems? Second, " Well, at "
"Carri, that would be awesome xD I support EdwardxJacob xP"
"I don't really have anything against JB. I just don't like their music, and I think they made a really, really bad choise when they agreed t..."
"Agree. I haven't seen the complete Death Note-serie, but I like it way better than Naruto ^^;; Also, I don't think that DN is as conf"
"I Like Music, okay? You are really good at argumenting xD Relly. If someone has a different opinion than you, then they should all just "f....."
"I've seen a couple of episodes of Naruto, and I've read the manga from number 1 to, about, 20 - maybe 30. I'm not sure. I think it's "
Ciel's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got Ross xD"
1 -
"Sporty girl? Well, that's not like me at all, but sure. Why not xD"