which car charecter are you 16 and under and viper

This quiz is about which cars character 16 and under + viper you are this test will ask your personality and more yes sir our other one failed so i hoped you liked it "AARTIST"

anyways you could get a choice from 24, elec, df, revrod, super volt, and viper. and i hope you love the quiz and have a fun time answering the question.

  1. how old are you?
  2. Which suits your personality?
  3. Whats your favorite color
  4. say impavido and reath were kidnapped what would you do?
  5. where do you live?
  6. whos your favorite character?
  7. who is your least
  8. If you were stuck on a elevator with on of the characters who would it be?
  9. Whos your crush?
  10. This will not effect did you like he quiz

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Quiz topic: Which car charecter am I 16 and under and viper
