Welcome to the best car quiz you'll find today. Answer questions about cars from all over. Various different questions you can answer, fun and entertaining.

Have fun with your friends answering questions about the world of cars. The world of cars is useful on many occasions, for tourism, for work, etc. For people everywhere, some may not like cars, but for many people, they do.

Created by: Manda, Mart i Joel
  1. Do we follow traffic signals every day? Do you think it is necessary to have traffic signals?
  2. Do you think it is necessary to manufacture cars in today's society?
  3. Do you think it is necessary to create various car brands?
  4. Do you think automobiles have made our travels easier (to beaches, mountains, or to another country)?
  5. In this society, one can get a driver's license at 18, and there are many traffic accidents. Do you think this should be changed?
  6. Regarding traffic lights, do you think safety should be increased, for example, by making the traffic light bigger (for people who can't see from a distance), etc.?
  7. One of the reasons people might hate cars is that they pollute a lot. Do you think it would be better to make electric cars to solve this?
  8. Today's cars run on gasoline, and this leads to pollution. Do you think electric cars pollute?
  9. Do you think cars have changed our lives in different ways, such as transportation, travel, etc.?
  10. Ultimately, do you believe electric or gasoline cars are useful?

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