Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
Your Result: American 92%
You are the modern beauty from women like Angelina Jolie to Kate Upton. You do not follow traditional beauty, you are rebellious and one of a kind. You are strong , beautiful and in control like a modern day beauty.
90% Italian
89% African
70% Korean
68% Russian
Omgg BTW m indian -
I actually fit the description quite well, however there are some slipups but not too much. I do wish to many join television and this quiz has been a huge self image love booster. Thank you
ERB2 -
I got 100% Korean lol. though I don't think this is accurate?? then again, I'm unsure what Korea's beauty standards are. I have fairly big light gray eyes, defined jaw with rounder face, pouty bottom lip but small upper lip, button nose (UPTURNED DOES NOT MEAN SMALL) and super pale skin. do I actually fit the standards?
bbati1 -
Your Result: Italian 93%
You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.
I'm 90% Korean but actually I'm not, it's really wonderful and the results say I don't need a surgery like many other Koreans and can enter to TV or even in Kpop ,well that's great 😄 of course I don't need any surgery and I won't do any but I want something else other than pops or TV stars
Clicked on random answers after I saw the gender options just to tell you to add a gender neutral option, cuz just because of that some people can't partake.
Nimm doch divers, wird wahrscheinlich aufs gleiche Ergebnis kommen, weil es dann darum geht kein Geschlecht zu befolgen
Well I'm shocked and happy about it but I have fully big natural lips lol only my eyes are small but i'd love to visit Italy specially because my best friend talks Italian ( i speak Spanish )
Zaineb1 -
Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
Your Result: Korean
100%You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.
84% Russian
79% Italian
69% African
69% Americanleeyuna1 -
Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
Your Result: Italian 87%You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.
71% American
70% African
61% Russian
60% KoreanHaha I have thick brown hair, dark eyebrows and dark brown eyes. Looks like its time to leave the United States and go to Italy to see if the Italians find me attractive!
I fit in Korean beauty standards even though everyone said that tot me and Im happy I fit in Korean standards I just need to do a nose job cuz I broke it and everything will fall in to place😀
I'm so happy that I got 97% korean but I don't have pale skin well not really tan skin aswell. When I'm infront of sunlight it makes my skin look pale while I'm at my home with no sunlight entering it makes my skin a little tan. So I'm confused about my skin color..
Your Result: Italian 92%
You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.
89% American
88% African
65% Russian
63% Korean -
I'm Persian, I got 88% Italian Standard, 87% Korean and 85% Russian ; I guess that makes sense if I combine them all together. By the way, why there's no middle-eastern answer there ? :)))
Annon1 -
I got italian. It's basically right except I have bigger lips and I don't think my head is heart shaped. Plus, I'm mixed, like, darker mixed.
Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
95% Korean75% American is all I remember...Im oriental so...that's ok...also I was raised up in the US so nice
KSH1232 -
Yah cool but srsly, there should be more options other than a heart shaped face or thick lips
Wow, realmente me esperaba algo parecido ya que tengo mucha descendencia italiana jajaja lo de Corea realmente no lo esperaba, aunque admito que, leyendo algunos estndares, si encajo en varios. Despus no se de los estndares africanos y rusos jajaj
Wuao10291 -
I'm from Poland so I really don't know how I ended up in Italian beauty standard BUT it's a PLEASURE Italian women are gorgeous
I got Russian and it says tall and I'm literally 5'2 lol
Gunu2 -
I got this and im surprised because I’m American and last year I tried this and i got Korean
xXLunaXx1 -
I got Italian ( I'm French )
I got Italian too
Guess what?
I'm Nigerian -
I'm an Indian and didn't expect this
Hiii1231 -
I'm from Malaysian but I got Korean >< My hobby is dancing and singing and of course my dream career is being a K-pop Idol >< but, dream is just a dream. I'm a muslim, so no. byee 🍉⭐
Im half English half Indian though so