Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?

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  • Your Result: American 86%

    You are the modern beauty from women like Angelina Jolie to Kate Upton. You do not follow traditional beauty, you are rebellious and one of a kind. You are strong , beautiful and in control like a modern day beauty.

    84% Italian
    81% Korean
    79% African
    63% Russian

  • Your Result: Italian 89%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    85% Korean
    81% Russian
    73% American
    54% African

    Sophie Foster 1
  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 86%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    84% Russian
    75% American
    73% Italian
    65% African
    Naur way I'm so happy even tho I'm indian-

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: African 88%

    With dark skin to extreme beauty that made Egypt so beautiful and mysterious. With thick hair and magnetic eyes, you attract everyone you see with a smile. You are beautiful and strong.

    80% Italian
    78% American
    66% Korean
    58% Russian

    Im from the Caribbean but always get told I look North African so Ill take it <3

    DD blue
  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 91%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    87% Italian
    78% American
    73% African
    73% Russian

    OMG!! Can't believe , but I am actually northeast indian

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 81%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    72% Russian
    69% Italian
    65% American
    58% African
    I'm a indian boy got Korean beauty standards
    Wish to become a kpop idol

  • Your Result: Italian 91%

    You are the traditional Italian beauty standard! You have small lips, a heart shaped face, thick and brown hair, dark eyebrows and long eyelashes and don't forget those gorgeous large brown eyes. You will have those Italians turning their heads no matter how ''outdated'' your beauty is.

    79% American
    64% Korean
    53% Russian
    34% African

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 97%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    I don't expect that but thanks
    89% Russian
    85% Italian
    68% African
    66% American

  • Your Result: Korean 85%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    81% Italian
    72% African
    63% American
    62% Russian

    I an American but want to be a kpop idol but I don't have any where to stay when I am a trainee and have no money to fly there

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 85%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    77% Russian
    76% Italian
    72% African
    63% American
    I got Korean but I'm African :)
    It okay tho

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    72% Italian
    72% African
    64% Russian
    63% American
    Nice :)

  • Russian 89%

    "With pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes and tall and athletic bodies. You fit the Russian beauty standard, from women like Maria Sharapova to Yanina Studilina you are mysterious, head strong and tale charge of every situation. No wonder why you have that charm and magnetism that no man can resist."

    this is CRAZY accurate with Yanina Studilina because a lot of people compare me to her, but my hair isn't that light and my eyes are wider and brighter. loved this quiz!

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 80%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    80% Russian
    79% Italian
    66% American
    58% African

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 89%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    84% Italian
    72% American
    68% African
    55% Russian

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: African 84%

    With dark skin to extreme beauty that made Egypt so beautiful and mysterious. With thick hair and magnetic eyes, you attract everyone you see with a smile. You are beautiful and strong.

    73% American
    70% Italian
    66% Korean
    63% Russian
    I'm indian and I love it soMuchhh!!

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 90%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    79% Russian
    78% American
    77% Italian
    76% African

  • Your Result: Korean 86%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    72% Italian
    69% American
    66% Russian
    60% African
    JSJSJSK I'm so happy!! I'm white, though...

  • I'm 84% fitted in the korean beauty standards, and I didn't believe it until I did 4 other tests like this in other websites which said I do! I'm Chinese but I'm quite happy with my result because I also want to become a k pop idol but I didn't think I would fit the standards. I wanna audition for JYP Entertainment because of skz and I love dancing and singing. I'm still scared to cause I've seen JYP analysise the auditions -_- I'm scared of him

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 85%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    76% Italian
    74% American
    74% Russian
    62% African

  • Your Result: American 87%

    You are the modern beauty from women like Angelina Jolie to Kate Upton. You do not follow traditional beauty, you are rebellious and one of a kind. You are strong , beautiful and in control like a modern day beauty.

    84% Italian
    84% Russian
    76% African
    70% Korean

    Lol didn't expect this,but yeah I'm pretty no matter what

  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: Korean 91%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    85% Italian
    69% African
    69% Russian
    66% American

  • Your Result: American 90%

    You are the modern beauty from women like Angelina Jolie to Kate Upton. You do not follow traditional beauty, you are rebellious and one of a kind. You are strong , beautiful and in control like a modern day beauty.

    85% Italian
    78% Russian
    60% Korean
    53% African
    Cool since I'm Italian

    Ducks lover
  • Your Result: Korean 91%

    You have a v lined jaw, with large eyes, small lips and pale skin. You are naturally beautiful so you don not have to worry about surgery as other Koreans do. You can join television or even better, a K-pop group.

    72% Russian
    68% African
    64% Italian
    59% American

    The fact that im American but bairly fit the beauty stanerds is crazy, btw i love korean and im soo happy that i got koreanβ™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    Kim Yojeong
  • Which Beauty Standard Do You Fit?
    Your Result: African 92%

    With dark skin to extreme beauty that made Egypt so beautiful and mysterious. With thick hair and magnetic eyes, you attract everyone you see with a smile. You are beautiful and strong.

    80% Italian
    76% American
    67% Korean
    58% Russian

  • like in Egypt we don't have dark or brown skin , some could be tanned like Latinos and other have basically white skin , but we are not black, in southern African regions and Sudan people got dark skin. But in north Africa and Egypt we are not.


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