Which AU Sans Are You?

Hi! I have done this exact quiz before by the same name except now i'm, hopefully, improving it. Anyways, welcome! The options you are able to get are classic Sans, Dreamtale Twins (Dream and Nightmare), Genocide Sans, Ink Sans, Error Sans, Blueberry Sans, and Dust Sans.

The questions being asked are cliche but, it could still be fun. For a more accurate result, answer truthfully. On that note, this is a test made a random person on the internet so the results could be different from expected but take it with a grain of salt. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Kiwi
  1. Welcome to the quiz! Let us start off with a generic question: What is your favorite color of the ones below?
  2. Which word appeals to you in some way?
  3. Which group?
  4. What do you do in your free time?
  5. Which aesthetic fits you the most? (Also I got these all from the Fandom Wiki)
  6. Which fictional area would you like to visit the most? (In parenthesis is either where it is from or the creator.)
  7. Favorite song of the below:(if you do not know any/ you don't like any, choose the title that appeals to you. Also if you don't know them, try listening to them as they are all really good.)
  8. Favorite AU?
  9. What is your favorite animal? (Out of the below)
  10. What color magic?
  11. Favorite Undertale Character?
  12. Are you extroverted, introverted, or both?
  13. I'll describe a living space and pick the one that sounds the most intriguing to live in:
  14. Are villains or heroes usually your favorite characters?
  15. Hope you enjoyed!

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Quiz topic: Which AU Sans am I?
