What Sans Au Are You?

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Hello, Welcome to What Sans Au Are You? I'm your host, ShinyEevee_Plays! Here you will have multiple questions that will determine who you are. Some of them might be a little out of character, i don't know the fannons very well.

The possible Characters you can get are Nightmare, Dream, Ink, Error, Blueberry, Dust, Fresh, and Classic! You can use this quiz in a video or blog or anything as long as you give credit, this was hard to do. anyways, Hope you enjoy!

Created by: ShinyEevee_Plays of My YouTube Channel
(your link here more info)
  1. Let's start off with an easy one. what is your faorite color out of these given?
  2. well, here's another easy one. Creation or Destruction?
  3. Sorry for so many simple questions, but do you prefer Positivity or Negativity?
  4. Who do you want to get?
  5. Which of these foods do you like most?
  6. What is your opinion on aus?
  7. How do people describe you?
  8. How Do You Describe Yourself?
  9. Bad Sanses or Star Sanses?
  10. What is your hobby?

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Quiz topic: What Sans Au am I?
