What sans are you and what is your power level?

Power levels, sanses, all of that. Find out which sans suits you best, a bit about your personality and how powerful you are. Have fun and see ya later!

Dunno what to put here sooooooooooooooo yea sanses and stuff yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Also have fun? I seriously ran out of ideas. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Created by: Lewisgamer forever
  1. Are you violent?
  2. Are you creative?
  3. Are you lazy?
  4. What sans do you like most?
  5. Which of these would you use in conversation?
  6. Do you make bold decisions?
  7. What would you use in battle?
  8. What colour would you like?
  9. Was this quiz awesome?
  10. Last question: If you had to decide between murder for the greater good or being a pacifist, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What sans am I and what is my power level?
