Which alienette Are you chipette addition

The alienettes as chipettes the alienttes turned into chipettes lets see which alienette as a chipette are you personality and fun there's four results

Angel star sugar and diamond they all love sweets especially sugar and Angel the chipettes will be in this test so will the chipmunks and ian no Dave lol

Created by: Amelia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You're hair style
  2. Fur color
  3. Height
  4. You're favorite chipette
  5. You're favorite chipmunk
  6. You're favorite song
  7. You're eye color
  8. You're chip wrecked on an island with the chipettes and chipmunks
  9. What do you think of Jeanette
  10. What do you think of Simon

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Quiz topic: Which alienette am I chipette addition