Which chipette are you?

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Hello! This quiz is about the chipettes, so it's for girls. This quiz is made to find out which chipette is perfect for you. When you are pretending to be the chippettes with your friends, it's better using this.

There aren't any favorite colors, it's too public. You should try another beside colors, favorite chipettes, and other quiz that is too public, there are fifteen quizzes for you to enjoy. And this is important: only for girls.

Created by: ivyna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are invited to a party, what will you wear?
  2. You are at home and you are bored, what will you do?
  3. Where is your first date place?
  4. Your boyfriend does bad, what will you do?
  5. You are at school and it's your free time, what will you do?
  6. How people describe you?
  7. You are searching for other boyfriends, who will you search?
  8. You want to give your boyfriend something, what will you give?
  9. You are bored because you don't have any friends to talk with, who will you talk with?
  10. Who are your friends?
  11. You are lost and your parents know where you lost, what is your feeling?
  12. You are allowed to watch TV, what kind of movie will you choose?
  13. You are bored and sad, what will you do?

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Quiz topic: Which chipette am I?