What Type of Food are You?

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What Type of Food are You? You will find out... This is a quiz about you and food. It's very short. So, grab some friends, take turns, and play the quiz!

The questions are simple and easy! Just click and move on! Make sure you look at the answers carefully though. But, most importantly, have fun! Ready to play?

Created by: RobGasserRicochet
  1. Are you a robot?
  2. Are You Lazy?
  3. Healthy Food say what
  4. Are you a company?
  5. Do you have the power?
  6. Do you have the other power?
  7. Do you have the other other power?
  8. Does 8^4 = 32?
  9. Do you love Reese's?
  10. Which result would you NOT want to get (click to lose 4 points for a result)?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Food am I?
