the foodie quiz

This is a quiz about food! Test your knowledge about different types of food and candy! These facts come from a fact book so even if you do not know anything you can learn new things about food!

this quiz is all about food and candy. you'll have FUN! This quiz is hard so don't be upset if you do not do well the first time you take this quiz! Take it as many times as needed!

Created by: avery
  1. what is the most popular fruit in the world?
  2. how many peeps are made in a year?
  3. in thailand, which bug is farmed for food?
  4. what do you think the chocolate river in willy wonka was made out of?
  5. how many years have people been farming potatoes?
  6. did alexander the great eat licorice?
  7. what color is a ripe lime?
  8. what was cotton candy originally called?
  9. does eating cheese at the end of a meal slow tooth decay?
  10. how many pieces of candy are in a regular size roll of pez?

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