What would you do if.....

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It is just a question so how bound do I will also give food for it and just plzzz play this quiz plz I will give you more food or whatever you what but just plz play this quiz.

There is no right or wrong answer and I’m not a specialist so I might not be right so don’t judge meh plz? Plz? Plz? Plz. Plz? Plz . PLz? PLz? PLz? PLZ?

Created by: Simon
  1. What you do if you’re dog died
  2. What would you do if your grandma died
  3. What would you do if your birthday was on leap day
  4. What would you do if you were on the Titanic
  5. What would you do if your boyfriend cheated on you
  6. What would you die for
  7. What is your favorite color
  8. What would you do if your car keys went missing
  9. This test is almost done
  10. Last question

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