What Walking Dead Character Are You?

There are many people who think they can survive a zombie apocolypes. I am sure they can but thy wont last for a while because pretty soon food will have been eaten all up and people will have to hunt for their food, and that's where it gets hard to survive.

Would you survive better with a group? would you assign jobs for everyone to keep a nation together? Or would you live in a cabin far off in the woods alone eating things you savage daily. Maybe its best to have friends to survive with you.

Created by: Samantha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What weapon do you find most useful?
  2. How many zombies could you take on?
  3. Who is your favorite?
  4. Would you kill a close friend to protect your family?
  5. Are you tough?
  6. Do you like horses?
  7. How many should be in a surviving group?
  8. Are you scared of the dead?
  9. How long could you survive without food and water?
  10. How long can you survive by yourself?

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Quiz topic: What Walking Dead Character am I?