What type of blueberry are you?

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This quiz will tell you how you prefer your blueberry inflation to go, whether you would rather swell up around hundreds of strangers or in the comfort of your own home. There are five different outcomes that you can get. THIS QUIZ ASSUMES THAT YOU KNOW WHAT BLUEBERRY INFLATION IS AND THAT YOU WANT IT TO HAPPEN. IF THIS ISN'T YOUR THING JUST LEAVE.

I encourage you to try and get all the different endings as they all have a slightly different description and respective illustration to offer. Have fun and I hope you enjoy.

Created by: pipitur
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender
  3. You are offered some gum by a stranger of the opposite gender while out shopping with friends, what do you do with it?
  4. You take the gum anyway. You take the gum out of the wrapper, put it in your mouth and start chewing, almost instantly your mouth becomes overwhelmed by the juiciest, delicious , most mouth-watering taste of blueberries you have ever tasted. You stand there amazed at the pure taste that the gum has and look back to see if the person who gave you it is still there. You…
  5. After chewing the gum for a few minutes you notice that the flavour hasnt even started to fade away, if anything you feel like its getting stronger. Your friends start to stare at you, specifically at your nose, you reach to wipe it with your hand and check to see whats there, but as you look at your hand you notice that a strong blue hue is slowly spreading across your skin. You…
  6. Your belly starts gurgling and churning as it begins to turn blue, even showing through your shirt as your skin stains your clothes to a familiar deep tone of purple. You feel your body getting tighter, especially around your chest, butt and belly. You feel your belly rumble as a surge of rapid growth hits you after you become fully violet. Your belly distends out at least half a metre, making you look pregnant, except when you go to touch it it feels soft and pillow-like. What do you do?
  7. After your clothes rip off the swelling really starts to ramp up, your body is swelling up by the second, the weight of the juice inside you sloshing around makes you immobile as your belly and but finally reach all the way to the floor, the impact as your legs finally give way and you fall to the floor causes a huge disturbance in the juices inside of you as they slosh around creating even more pressure than ever before, causing you to start leaking from every part of your body possible. You…
  8. You now are about the size of a large pickup truck and your huge rear-end reflects that too, the sloshing and gurgling of juice becomes deafening as you can feel a warm liquid running down the front of your huge belly, you are fully lactating juice at this point and the swelling is showing no signs of stopping, you continue getting bigger and bigger, as you swell exponentially faster and faster. It feels like the juice in your body keeps multiplying and growing continuously.
  9. The swelling finally seems to come to a stop as you have now completely rounded out, your body extending at least 10ft in each direction, you hear the gurgling and groaning in your belly finally come to a stop and all you can hear is the occasional sloshing of juice as your weight shifts around, the person who gave you the gum comes up to you and asks you wether you want to be juiced or want another piece of gum to swell up even larger.
  10. (If you chose to eat more gum) You feel your body starting to swell again, faster and faster as the gurgling and churning coming from your body gets louder, you cant wait to swell up even more. You hear a distant voice tell you that now that you have taken piece of gum that you will now permanently be stuck as a blueberry
  11. (If you chose to get juiced) You slowly start to lose consciousness and wake up in a weird facility, it looks like a massive warehouse expect there are many machines scattered around, all looking like juice presses, suddenly a you hear a loud noise coming from above you, a loud metal whirring noise, you look up to see a huge metal platform coming towards you ready to squish you against the ground, as it touches your body you shover from the cold metal and brace as your whole body gets squished relentlessly, getting all the juice out of your body, once you are done you are left with permanently blue skin and weigh a few more pounds as the machine couldn't get 100% of the juice out

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Quiz topic: What type of blueberry am I?

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