Violet Beauregarde

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This is a quiz about the character Violet Beauregarde from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The questions are about her and her blueberry transformation.

Play this quiz to test your knowledge of the character of Violet and see if you are a true fan of her. After you have played it and maybe failed you can try again to see if you're a proper fan of her.

Created by: Jim
  1. What does Violet like to do?
  2. How long has Violet been chewing her piece of gum?
  3. What is a personality trait of Violet?
  4. When Violet first meets Mr Wonka what does she do?
  5. Violet becomes fake friends with who?
  6. During the candy boat ride Violet remains what?
  7. When Violet enters the Inventing Room what does she do?
  8. When Violet first sees the 3 course dinner gum what does she do?
  9. Violet completely ignores Wonka's warning about the gum and begins chewing it. She says it is what?
  10. Violet comes to the dessert portion of the gum, what dessert is it?
  11. Violet's what starts to turn blue?
  12. Violet's whole body begins to turn blue, what does she do?
  13. As Violet is turning blue she asks her Mother what?
  14. Violet's body begins to fill up with what?
  15. Violet feels her what getting bigger?
  16. Violet's butt cheeks get bigger, she does what?
  17. Violet turns around to face the group, her belly is now what?
  18. Violet's cheeks begin to fill up, how does she react?
  19. Violet is getting massive, what does she try to do?
  20. Violet's what begin to sucked into her body?
  21. Violet begins the final part of her transformation, all she can do is what?
  22. Violet is now a giant blueberry and all she can do is what?
  23. Violet is sung about and rolled around by whom?
  24. Violet does what during her song?
  25. At the end of her song she is rolled away by the Oompas, what does Violet yell to her mother?

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