What SSO home stable should you really have?

Are you interested in changing your home stable? Are you not sure where to move? Are you wondering what home stable suits you best? Do you need to find the perfect stable?

All the stables are the same on the inside, but the outside is what matters for us. Maybe you need access to nearby races for training, or a stable with less players. Or maybe your just taking this quiz out of curiosity.

Created by: Miranda
  1. Are you in an active club?
  2. Do you ride English or Western?
  3. Would you prefer a home stable with pretty scenery? (Rivers, trees, nature)
  4. Do you want a place with a large population?
  5. Where do you want to be on the map?
  6. How often do you participate in championships?
  7. Do you want a stable with races nearby?
  8. Should this stable have a riding arena?
  9. Do you like doing daily quests
  10. Do you want access to a Ferry?

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Quiz topic: What SSO home stable should I really have?
