what side of the war of she-ra are you?!!!

To whom it may concern, This quiz will determin what side of the war (from she-ra) you are on!!!I hope you enjoy it!!! I have made it so that you will not have a clue what you are untill you finish!!! It is complete chance!!!

From wizz bang!!! P.s. I love she-ra don't you?!!! I will soon make a quizz on what she-ra charecter you are!!! So keep an eye out!!! Please take note that you can make one of your own to!!! It is super easy!!!

Created by: Wizz bang
  1. What do you love/value most of the following?
  2. Which charecter is your favourite from the following?
  3. Favourite animal from the following?!!!
  4. Favourite weapon from the following?!!!
  5. Favourite food from the following?!!!
  6. Choose one!
  7. Favourite element?
  8. Whom are you?
  9. Spirit animal?!!!(Take the quiz at 'what is my spirit animal.com')
  10. Fave activity

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Quiz topic: What side of the war of she-ra am I?!!!
