What is your Spirit Animal?

Wondering what your spirit animal is? Take this 10 question quiz to find out! (This quiz is mostly geared towards girls but open to anyone!) This is based on personality and your daily life! I hope you enjoy!

Hello this quiz is so super awsome and i hope you love it so much to thank you thank you byeeee!!! (sry it made me put at least 150 characters in) :)))

Created by: val
  1. Do you remember people's birthdays?
  2. How often do you have crushes?
  3. How would people describe you?
  4. What is your typical school outfit?
  5. How many people are in your family? (including you)
  6. About how many friends do you have?
  7. What are your grades like?
  8. Where are you in a friend group?
  9. What color is your favorite out of these?
  10. What is your favorite animal out of these?

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Quiz topic: What is my Spirit Animal?

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