Which adventures of merlin character are you?!!

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To whom it may concern, Hi again, it has been a while but I am back with a quiz based on my new favourite TV show, merlin, definitely recommended. So I hope you can enjoy it, have fun.

From wizz bang. PS. Please like it, you know, the face ratings, pleeeeeeeeease press the smiliest face that when you press one of them it does something really cool?!! Thank you for your demotion!

Created by: Wizz bang
  1. fave character?
  2. Do you like dragons?
  3. Do you like magic?
  4. leader, servant or maid?
  5. This question will not effect your result, do you actually watch merlin?
  6. Knight, King or queen?
  7. Dragon or human?
  8. fire and flight or sword and shield?
  9. Did you enjoy the quiz?
  10. Are you sure?

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Quiz topic: Which adventures of merlin character am I?!!
