The Clue Personality Quiz

All of my friends closely relate to one of the clue characters. I made this quiz so you can find out who you are. Please note: This quiz isnt for the board game. It is strictly for the movie. I worked hard on this quiz and hope you enjoy it!

So, which clue character are you? Scarlet, Peacock, White, Mustard, Green, or Plum? Take this simple quiz to find out in five minutes who you are. So who are you? Let's find out!

Created by: Murderous Angel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. fave color?
  2. how would you murder somebody?
  3. What's your personality like?
  4. What do you(or want to) look like?
  5. What do you do when the electricity goes off?
  6. Who would you most want to be stuck with...FOREVER!1?!
  7. Two words that describe you
  8. What's for dinner?
  9. What's your biggest problem?
  10. Will you comment?

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