Which one of my OC's are you

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This quiz will tell you which of my little oc's you are. It wasn't very well made but these oc's are quite dear to me so yk. If you want to see the pintrest board for these oc's, see my 'Rouges of Eyxia' board. My username is Legilchrist.

I hope you guys have as much fun with this quiz as i did making it. It is just something I wanted to do to have some more fun with my personal oc's. I hope you like the character you get!

Created by: Lily
  1. You've just arrived in a new city, which of the following are you most likely to do?
  2. If you had to bond a dragon/wyvern, which you would pick?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What would you do if there was a choice between one giant united continent and separate countries
  5. Final Question- Which of these countries sounds the best
  6. Which of these foods/drinks sound the best
  7. Pick someone to try and talk to based on their name
  8. Pick a type of weather
  9. Based on their descriptions , which one of these people do you like 😏
  10. What do you hate

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Quiz topic: Which one of my OC's am I
