what random kotlc character are you??

these are some random Kotlc characters, you can be either keefe, Biana, Bronte, Sophie, and Dex. This quiz is my first quiz pls give me some feedback!

I really don't know what to say in this paragraph except that you will prob least likely get Bronte!! so don't worry (unless you want to get Bronte). If you want to get Bronte, then do the depressing answers. oh, and I wanted to put Lana del Ray in the answers, but I ran out, sorry!

Created by: mirabelle
  1. whats your fav human animal??
  2. fav slang
  3. fav artist
  4. fav season (if you live in a country where there is only like summer or smth you can imagine winter in like Europe)
  5. Pick a country/continent
  6. i gotta do 5 more questions but idk what to do
  7. gosh i wish i put tam as a character
  8. who doesnt wanna get sophie
  10. last question what is your fav book

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Quiz topic: What random kotlc character am I??
