KOTLC personality test

What KOTLC character do you want to be? Take this test and see who you are most like.🥳 #silvenyisawesome #sokeefeshipper #iggyfarts #whatisthegreatgulonincident#neverseenissus

Take it truthfully!!!😃 #READKOTLC #bestbooksever #imrunningoutofhashtags #Ilovekeefe #whatarekeefesnewpowers? #whydidkeeferunaway?? #ILOVEKOTLC #iggyburps #KEEFEKEEFEKEEFE

Created by: IceIceIggy
  1. What describes you best?
  2. What color are your eyes/what do you want them to be?
  3. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  4. Where would you rather go?
  5. What's your favorite food?
  6. If you ever got a bad grade in school you would...
  7. Your pet would...
  8. If you were surrounded by the neverseen you would...
  9. If you saw a person who was lonely you would...
  10. What is your favorite color?
  11. Who would be your best friend
  12. Who do you ship?

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