How well do you know keeper of the lost cities?

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This quiz is for your knowledge about kotlc! The questions go from easy to very hard! But if your a real fan this is probably easy for you to finish, bye!

The questions are like the character’s first lines and who is Sophie’s real parent? I hope you love this quiz cause I spent a long time trying to make this!

Created by: Nimrat
  1. What is Sophie’s fav colour?
  2. Who is the never seen?
  3. Where did Sophie meet Fitz?
  4. Who is Sophie’s real parent
  5. What is keefe’s first line?
  6. What is the very first line in kotlc
  7. What the true quote of kotlc?
  8. What is marella’s first line
  9. What is the colour of flashback?
  10. What is Sophie’s fav food?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know keeper of the lost cities?
