What kinda person are u

This quiz is aged for 5-18 yrs. Find out ur school rank. Are u a geek, cool kid, nerd, normal person, bully,idiot,or a victim? Come here to find ur true school rank...

Are u a cool kid? Are u a geek? Until now u could wonder. You could think u r cool but not? Maybe u are a bully and do not realize it.Wanna find out? Then play!

Created by: blah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do u feel at school
  2. R U popular
  3. Do u like to be in this world?
  4. What do u/would u like doing
  5. do u think/Do u get a lot of offers of girlfriends
  6. Before u carry on, this is supposed to be aimed at 5-18 yr olds, and judjes peoples school type. Got it?
  7. What would/will u like to do after school?
  8. U ready 4 the next two questions?
  9. Which mythical/unreal creature would best describe yourself (be honest)
  10. Guess what age or year im in

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