What warrior rank are you?

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Many people wonder what rank they would be if they really lived in the world of Warriors. Want to find out? Just answer some RP questions and you'll be done.

Most of the quiz is based on your personality, and what you'd be like as a cat. Most of the answers give hints as to what rank they are for, but some are a little more harder to figure out. What rank do you think you'll be? Find out now!

Created by: Moonleaf105
  1. (These are all basically gonna be RP questions, so enjoy ;P) An enemy clan has attacked your clan! What are you going to do?
  2. You find your leader caught in a twoleg's fox trap! What are your going to do?!
  3. You're walking along the border when you run into three apprentices from your clan taking turns darting across the border and back. What are you going to do?
  4. You overhear some cats planning to ambush your clan during the Gathering. The cats don't realize you heard and continue on their way to set up their plan. What are you going to do?
  5. The twolegs are destroying your territory! Some of your best friends have been captured and locked into cages. The door to the nest where they keep them is open, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of the twolegs. What are you going to do?
  6. You've an enemy cat on your territory, but she's badly injured. Her leg is dislocated and she can barely walk. What are you going to do?
  7. Your clan home has been destroyed and StarClan has made a prophecy that the clans must join and travel together in order to find their new home. What do you do?
  8. You receive a dream from StarClan and find out that your part of a prophecy. Later on, you realize that the evil cat in your prophecy is a warrior you've trusted thoroughly your whole life. What do you do?
  9. You find a half-dead queen and her kits on the outskirts of you territory. She doesn't seem threatening, but she looks incredibly weak and hungry, and your certain that without immediate attention, both she and her kits will die. You want to help, so what will you do?
  10. So, what rank do you think you'll be? (This may/may not count, so choose wisely. >:D
  11. Did you like this quiz? Will you rate/comment on it? (Doesn't count. Or does it...? >:D)

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Quiz topic: What warrior rank am I?