How Well Do You Know Madoka Magica?

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So are you a geek or a nerd to prove your strength at this quiz. What is a geek a geek is a person plays a lot of electronics but know a lot about it.

Are you a geek or nerd at Madoka Magica with this quiz we will see your results and if you truly are what people say are you a geek a nerd or both you will find out!

Created by: Maria
  1. Why is homura a magical girl?
  2. Why does Sayaka not battle any witches?
  3. Why did Mami become a witch?
  4. Why does kubuey want to confirm th law of cycle?
  5. Why does Madoka teacher talks about men?
  6. Since Madoka does not remember she is the law so cycle what does homura think.
  7. Why is Madoka weak?
  8. Why does kyoko hate killing familiar?
  9. Why did Mami want to be friends with Kyoko?
  10. Did homura turned into a demon because she is evil?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Madoka Magica?