What Is Your Rank in a Wolf Pack? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz What Is Your Rank in a Wolf Pack?
Alpha,I do find myself as my own leader sense I usually go by my own instincts and I also find myself good with survival skills and being brave. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife2 -
I got Alpha which is accurate, anyone else? I have all sorts of info about my wolf life...
I got Alpha
Your result: Beta 74%
----------I got beta! This is very accurate as I am a leader, but am more of smart person. I like to advise, but not take total control. I do not always take myself first, but put the younger, sickly, or weak infront of me.
Your Result: Beta 74%
resultYou are the Beta. The Beta is the second-in-command, the right-hand of the Alpha. You offer advice and are very smart, but you can be a bit indecisive and a bit too trustworthy.
49% Lone Wolf
46% Pack Member
43% Alpha
9% OmegaYour Result: Beta 74%
resultYou are the Beta. The Beta is the second-in-command, the right-hand of the Alpha. You offer advice and are very smart, but you can be a bit indecisive and a bit too trustworthy.
49% Lone Wolf
46% Pack Member
43% Alpha
9% Omega
I got alpha. This is very accurate as I am a leader and I like to bark and howl. BARK BARK. I'm the leader of every pack I'm in and I am very dominant. AWOOO!
Am ur alpha i got 95%
Aysor2 -
Got beta. Which I am all good with.
Protect the Alpha, pack, healers, omegas, pups then me as last. I may be a leader but I can't command an entire pack!
I got Beta
Anyone else?
Yep! me as well, mate!
I got lone wolf I should of known that :P
Sienna0 -
Im the Omega > ~
i got beta, whoo!
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