What career suits your interests? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What career suits your interests?
I don't think that a quiz should decide what job you should have. I want to be a lawyer or an NCIS Field agent. Not an activist, according to your quiz!
qwerty11 -
Out of the four possible answers for what type of music one likes, three of them are the same: nothing particular.
this is a acurrate quiz cuz i take alot of quizzes on future careers and i always get the same results!(: it also pursues all my interests! btw this site is the s---,AWESOME, really cool quizzes. i say every1 should keep checkin out this site, im like addicted!!!!
promoter1 -
I got technical, but I'm more artistic. I see myself writing fantasy and sci-fi books or something
S5421 -
Technical! I'm great with math, but BAD with technology. Best answer for me for sure though.
I got artistic...
Wtf i hate drawing!!I really want to be a marine biologist to study sharks cuz im just so in love with them.
Nice quiz... ARE YOU BORED? Then why not distract yourself by taking my new quizzes:
"Canadi an or American?"
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You know you're curious... ;) -
Activist not what I wanted even though nice quiz!
Artistic, true. Blackmail, useless. I always have to say stop, blackmailing!
Sorry, I rather be a lawyer, my lifetime dream!!
taliyah1 -
Artistic, I do want to be an artist or writer as a side job, but I want to be an ambassador.
So off I am not sociable
Kier2181 -
Technical, accurate!!!
By the way, I refuse to listen music made by the mainstream. -.-
Technical? Totally the opposite of me.
Well designed quiz but inaccurate answers.AnG1 -
Its good but the the answer i expected was doctor or politician
Mary1241 -
I guess a marine biologist would be hands on so activist seems right
Technical, yeah that's accurate.
Hi2231 -
Superb, Davis313
S5421 -
I got Technical, but I think I'm more of an Artistic. I like art and literature
S5421 -
I thought activists were like, terrorists or something so I was a little scared when I saw my result.
Activist "You are definitely a hands-on type of person!" Interesting, nice quiz!
I got Technical. Great quiz!
BCJfan1 -
Screw that! I'm gonna join the military
Whiplash1 -
Good! Really this quiz makes easy to choose career,thanks
I got the perfect answer! :)