Whiplash's Profile

Joined on Nov 15, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Whiplash's Quizzes
- Would I Date You?[published: Aug 30, 2015, 2 comments]
I have had an amount of girlfriends, and I want to know if I could date you, or more importantly, if you could……
- Which Military Branch Are You?[published: Aug 23, 2015, 4 comments]
So, I needed something to make me a junior and this is it! Take this short quiz to find out what……
- Official USMC Quiz[published: Aug 21, 2015]
The USMC stands for United States Marine Corps. It is a military branch that us seen as above the rest and……
- Whiplash Shout Outs[published: Jan 21, 2015, 3 comments]
This is a shoutout quiz for GOTOQUIZ! This is one of the sites and am on most and all of the users here……
- Do You Know Whiplash?[published: Jan 07, 2015, 5 comments]
Many users on this site, but do you know WHIPLASH!!! This thread is to see if you know me and just……
Whiplash's Recent Posts
"Well, that got less of a reaction than I thought. Well anywho, ......................//) ....................,/../ ...."
"Vladimir Putin Because me gusta"
"Hitler, he's my hero"
"f--- every one of you reading this. All you non-binary liberalist PC f-- and assorted f--- tards. To those who refuse to believe there are o..."
"And so the strings begin to unravel, but will the knot come loose?"
"Ah, a true fan it is. Go in the name of the force, like a Mon Calamari in water"
"Oh for f---s sake. Down some meds, drink a little, you'll forget all about it."
"The force cares not for fools like you. Fools who link the prequels where decent movies and relevant to the plot line. The only place for th..."
"'Pologize in advance, you seem fairly decent"
"That's what I do Or where they amphetamines?"
"Just take a s--- load of advil"
"I am one with the force, the force is one with me I am one with the force, the force is one with me I am one with the force, the"
"Yes, but we call it 50/50 ketchup. 50% Heinz, 50% blood, sweat and tomato semen"
"I am one with the force, the force is one with me I am one with the force, the force is one with me I am one with the force, the"
"How bout this. Operation "f--- it lets go out with a bang" Just waste what we have left and go total purge. Sounds fun to me"
Whiplash's Recent Quiz Comments
"They formed in '86"
1 -
"I was lookin through my friends quizzes and took this one. I'm gonna make one if my own btw."
1 -
"Didn't like it"
1 -
"90% and I would probably last more than five of your tours of war."
1 -
"38% and I'm white. Surprised there were no Starbucks questions XD"
1 -
"Screw that! I'm gonna join the military"
1 -
"Andrew Jackson!"
1 -
"besides typos, pretty good quiz"
1 -
"Jinx, dunno if you will see this, but if someone does, carry the message to jinx. I'm back"
1 -
"Toxic Waste. This was a good quiz, keep going!"