TheUserkid's Profile

Joined on Apr 18, 2016
Status Level: Novice
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TheUserkid's Quizzes
- Unscramble 1(Can you beat it?)[published: Apr 22, 2016, 11 comments]
Choose the scrambled word that has the same letters as the unscramble word.Skill require:Visual……
TheUserkid's Recent Posts
"Me too"
"We will begin the first quarterfinal Jozy v.s. Unstoppablepanda3"
"Users in: TheUserkid Jozy Josh is gay (Sorry Josh) Dr Pepper Unstoppablepanda3 zerolightshade"
"I will just pick randomly"
"Post your name or a name to be in it"
"Oh hi am just readibg dirty jokes my cheeks hurt"
"I didn't thought you were a guy am just staying calm I can tell in the profile pic"
"Oh ok nice I never been good at talkingto girls like almost anywhere I just mess up some point"
"Well am 12 so I guess I have probs am just loocking for a jokes online I will share it to you"
"I know am total sick weirdo"
"Nothing am just looking up online about cute girls"
"Nothing just sad and lonely also bored"
"Hi what's up guys"
"Your C1"
TheUserkid's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yay only 25% very accurate quiz nice job"
1 -
"Am too old mentally am just 12 my life is serius like that"
1 -
"Am not a stalker just your friendly weird friend joms"
1 -
"I don't know you just 0%"
1 -
"I got 90% am good with that"
1 -
"What score did you get?
Any word suggestions?
Next quiz?
Should I do more of this?"1 -
"Activist not what I wanted even though nice quiz!"
1 -
"Jeeshan keeps making stupid quizzes!"
1 -
"Is this even accurate or what!"
1 -
"I answered 2 things yes the money and with a girl am a guy so yeah dibs on both!"