What birth order personality do you have? | Comments

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  • Funny, I'm actually an only child...
    Your Result: Middleborn 86%

    You often feel left out or overlooked. You are a good mediator and loyal friend. You are diplomatic and willing to compromise. You are also independent and you like to avoid conflict.

    62% Firstborn
    42% Youngest
    0% Only Child

    • that's really intereseting, have you heard of the wii U, you would really like it, its great.

  • I got only child, I have siblings.

    But more importantly, the Wii U is the best Nintendo console. It takes the best of the Nintendo Wii and improves on it, being filled with many fantastic games and having an exciting and fun gimmick to complement this. For example, the game Nintendoland was intended as a showcase of the Wii U's capabilities, and it does so with gusto. It is a fantastic game with many fun game modes, showcasing just how fun the Wii U can be. The highlight of the game would be the luigis mansion minigame, which uses the gamepad to have one player play as ghost that hnts the other players.

  • Your Result: Middleborn 72%

    You often feel left out or overlooked. You are a good mediator and loyal friend. You are diplomatic and willing to compromise. You are also independent and you like to avoid conflict.

    The thing is.. I'm the oldest out of 3

  • Your Result: Only Child 58%

    You are thorough, deliberate, and high achieving. You are self-motivated and very cautious. You are independent and good at making decisions. Failure is not an option. You are not very comfortable around people your own age. You prefer to surround yourself with people who are older or younger than you.

    Only the last part is really true. I have siblings

  • What birth order personality do you have?
    Your Result: Middleborn 86%

    You often feel left out or overlooked. You are a good mediator and loyal friend. You are diplomatic and willing to compromise. You are also independent and you like to avoid conflict.

    86% Only Child
    30% Firstborn
    28% Youngest

  • Only child,not true I'm the youngest but you did guess most of the attributes about me right especially the achievement and age parts. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • Your Result: Youngest 86%

    You are very charming. You can be a manipulative, attention-seeker that like to place the blame on others. You are adventurous. You love to take risks and interact with people. You have a very affectionate and loving personality.

    I am not the youngest but the oldest of my siblings.

    But I'm not really affectionate and loving? I don't really think so.

    • huh that is strange, another thing that's strange is how good the Wii U is

  • Your Result: Only Child 86%

    You are thorough, deliberate, and high achieving. You are self-motivated and very cautious. You are independent and good at making decisions. Failure is not an option. You are not very comfortable around people your own age. You prefer to surround yourself with people who are older or younger than you.

    53% Firstborn
    50% Middleborn
    12% Youngest
    i have 7 siblings and im 3rd oldest.

    • high achieving that sounds like a lot!!!! im also self motivated and very independent too...

    • 7 is a lot of siblings, but 10 is more, and 10/10 is the score I would give to the Wii U

  • I got middle child I feel that this is true to me even though I am the youngest but my Sister had a child at a young age (We have a 15 year difference and I was 4 when she had her kid) So my mom took the motherly role to my nephew so I got pushed to the side at a young age.

  • The quiz was somewhat right about me! It said that I was a competitive person, but I'm not, I would rather do things the way I like and be satisfied with the out come if it's alright with me, everything else was true though!

  • This article is true. I knew that I would have the behavior of a first born child even though I am the seventh child in my family. My sister Wanda is the middle child in our family but I am sure that she would have gotten first born as her personality birth order.

  • The quiz did defy distinctive characteristics that formulates who I am. The only thing that was wrong was that I'm not the oldest child, I'm the youngest between myself and my brother.

  • I am the youngest. I have 3 older siblings who I think fit well into the first, middle, and last born personalities. So I was curious how I'd test. Result? ~70/30/30 youngest/first/only ; and I'm a Middle! Surprise.

  • I am the youngest. I have 3 older siblings who I think fit well into the first, middle, and last born personalities. So I was curious how I'd test. Result? ~70/30/30 youngest/first/only ; and I'm a Middle! Surprise.

  • Your Result: Only Child 86%

    You are thorough, deliberate, and high achieving. You are self-motivated and very cautious. You are independent and good at making decisions. Failure is not an option. You are not very comfortable around people your own age. You prefer to surround yourself with people who are older or younger than you.

    50% Middleborn
    26% Firstborn
    12% Youngest

    The thing is.... im actually the youngest of my family soooo yeeaaa uhmm

  • im the middle kid in my family and whenever i deal with some conflict like if i got made fun of i just keep my feelings in and look away even though i have to cope with these two other students in my group

  • Your Result: Firstborn 79%

    You are competetive, goal-oriented, and organized. You are a natural leader. You are a reliable perfectionist and you do not like surprises. You can be overly critical and often times feel pressured. You have a very logical way of thinking.

    50% Only Child
    36% Middleborn
    12% Youngest
    i am firstborn but this is not true lol

  • I guess I could technically be considered an only child- I have a half-brother who doesn't live with us (almost 30) so I've always pretty much been alone-

  • I am the first born and oldest, but it has me as a middle child, in a way I do understand this because my parents were teens when I was conceived. so I grew up with them and I would be middle born in that sense

  • Error, I am a middle child with firstborn traits. I have taught myself to be confident. I was taught to be responsible and did a lot of babysitting when I was a teen.

  • I am the oldest of 6 and surprisingly the quiz said that I have a middlechild ways. It described just what my ways and feelings are. Good Job !

  • I have a sister who is younger than me but am apparently an only child personality.

    I blame the trauma.

  • I was the youngest of three although they were older my youngest brother was 10 years older than me

  • The quiz was wrong. Im actually a middle child. One older brother and one younger brother

    sandy brudon
  • I'm the baby of 5, 3 boys 2 girls,I am a take charge type person and will always lead in any project. You would think I was the first borne.


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