Wii_U_lover's Profile
Joined on Sep 21, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
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"so true, this is how the Wii U makes me feel"
In response to zxc:
0 -
"7 is a lot of siblings, but 10 is more, and 10/10 is the score I would give to the Wii U"
In response to ballooncat44:
"Your Result: Only Child 86%
You are…"
0 -
"huh that is strange, another thing that's strange is how good the Wii U is"
In response to STSaMSG:
"Your Result: Youngest 86%
You are very…"
0 -
"that's really intereseting, have you heard of the wii U, you would really like it, its great."
In response to MTMothkey:
"Funny, I'm actually an only child...
Your…"0 -
"I got only child, I have siblings.
But more importantly, the Wii U is the best Nintendo console. It takes the best of the Nintendo…"