Warriors Love Story[She-cats only!] Part One

Hi this is part one of my quiz! You are a pretty she-cat named Shiverkit/paw/wind, and there are three toms—Scorchkit/paw/whisper, Lightkit/paw/drizzle, and Nightkit/paw/breeze who is a medicine cat!—who all love you. It’s up to you who you choose!

Would you like to know what they look like? Okay, Scorchpaw is a shy, gentle dark gray tom with amber eyes, Lightpaw is a bright, fiery pale brown tom with sky-blue eyes, and Nightpaw is black with one white paw and dark blue eyes! Now let’s start! P.S. you won’t be seeing much of their personality, so don’t be disappointed. Just so you know!

Created by: Silentwhisper
  1. Scorchkit bounds toward you. “Hey Shiverkit! Do you want to play moss ball now? Me, Nightkit and Lightkit are playing it.” You…
  2. Soon, it’s your apprentice ceremony. You are Shiverpaw now, Scorchkit is Scorchpaw, Nightkit is Nightpaw, and Lightkit is Lightpaw. You can choose one cat to go on patrol with you. You choose…
  3. Finally! You can choose your nest in the apprentice den. You sleep closest to…
  4. If you chose Scorchpaw, do this question!You stare at Scorchpaw, unable to sleep. Suddenly, he lets out a hiss, paws waving. He accidentally hits you. “Sorry…”he gasped, waking up. “I didn’t mean to…I mean, are you alright?”he asked gently.
  5. If you chose Lightpaw, this question is for you!Lightpaw is curled in his nest. As you come near, he raises his head, giving a warm purr of welcome. You…
  6. If you chose Nightpaw, do this question!As you near him, he lets out a small purr and nuzzles you for a moment before remembering he is a medicine cat apprentice. “I’m sorry…”he apologizes. You…
  7. The next morning, Scorchpaw comes to you. “I was thinking…”he shuffled his paws and looked down shyly,”would you like to hunt with me?”
  8. Before you can answer, the deputy, Slyhiss, calls to you. “Shiverpaw, you and your mentor Shadefire are going on a patrol with Lightpaw and his mentor, Softbreeze.”
  9. After the patrol, you are given free time. You…
  10. Suddenly, you are called to the medicine cat den. Nightpaw sees you, lets out a purr, and nuzzles you gently. “I’m so glad you’re here! Smokekit is sick,”he mewed. He looked worried. “He’s having trouble breathing now.” You…
  11. When it’s your warrior assessment, you are ordered to team up with Scorchpaw to catch prey. You see a plump bird, but when you two are forming a circle, Scorchpaw steps on a twig. He leaps forward, but misses the bird. You say?
  12. Finally, you get your warrior names: Shiverwind, Scorchwhisper, Lightdrizzle, and Nightpaw is a medicine cat at last! His name is Nightbreeze. You cheer loudest for?
  13. Okay that was part one! Thoughts? (Doesn’t affect score)

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