Warrior Cats Love Story Sequel: Part 1(WarriorsLover666)

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Hi there, everyone! I’m WarriorsLover666, and this is the sequel to my Warrior Cats Love Story: by WarriorsLover666 quizzes. This is a quiz only for girls, unless you are ok with being a she-cat.

You are playing as a golden tabby she-kit with bright blue eyes, named Dawnkit, the daughter of Fernpool. If you want to hear Fernpool’s story, start with Warrior Cats Love Story: Part 1(by WarriorsLover666). You are a ThunderClan kit. There are 3 toms: Eaglekit, Sunkit, and Hailkit. Will you get playful Eaglekit, silly Sunkit, or shy Hailkit? Take the quiz to find out!

Created by: WarriorsLover66
  1. You open your eyes to see a white-and-tortoiseshell she-cat staring down at you. “Hello, little kit. I’m Fernpool, your mother.” What do you think of your mother?
  2. A ginger tom was sitting next to your mother. “This is your father, Lionheart.” “Welcome to ThunderClan. You are so lucky to be born here.” Lionheart said. What do you think of Lionheart?
  3. “Wow, she’s beautiful, what should we name her?” asked Lionheart. “Her golden tabby pelt and bright blue eyes remind me of a dawn sky, let’s call her Dawnkit.” answered Fernpool. “That’s a really great name, Fernpool!” said your father. “Now”, meowed your mother, “most kits don’t go outside the nursery until they are 2 moons old. I am giving you and your siblings an exception. Your littermates are outside and waiting for you! Have fun, Dawnkit!” You stroll outside the nursery and see a silver kit with blue eyes. Who do you think it is?
  4. “Dawnkit! I’m Lightningkit, your brother! Your name is so pretty!” What do you think?
  5. “Moonkit and I are very excited to meet you!” He flicks his tail to a blue-gray she-kit with green eyes.
  6. Moonkit says, “Let’s play hide-and-seek in all the dens! I am the seeker! One, two, three, go!” Lightningkit dashed to the apprentices den. You dash to the elder’s den and hide under a nest.
  7. You hear Moonkit coming. “Found you, Lightningkit! Go sit in the nursery until I find Dawnkit!” You squirm and suddenly, you feel Moonkit tapping you on the back. “Found you, Dawnkit! Good job!” You lift your head high, so focused on your win, that you didn’t realize something blurry coming toward you..
  8. It was another kit. “Hi Dawnkit, I’m Eaglekit, nice to meet you! Are you ok?” He helped you up, his blue eyes had a worried look.
  9. “Hi, lovebirds!” another kit padded over, this one a ginger tom with green eyes, the perfect kit version of Firestar. “I’m not…. we’re not…..” Eaglekit stuttered.
  10. The ginger kit laughed. “Just teasing! I’m Sunkit, son of Willowstar and Emberclaw. Wait…. you’re Dawnkit, right?” You nodded. “That’s a nice name!”
  11. “Dawnkit, I need to go, see you soon, ok? Bye!” Eaglekit walked away. “Eaglekit can get a little silly sometimes. Want a joke?” You suddenly notice another tom, a white one, standing nearby.
  12. “Here’s the joke: Why couldn’t a pony sing a lullaby?” Sunkit started. “Why?” You asked. “She was a little horse!” Sunkit giggled. “Oh, and that other white Tom? He’s Hailkit, son of Clovertail and Whiteclaw. He’s becoming a medicine cat.”
  13. You hear pawprints coming over. It was Willowstar, a pretty gray she-cat with amber eyes. “Hi Dawnkit, I see you’ve met my son, Sunkit. He needs a friend these days.” She paused to catch her breath. “Welcome to ThunderClan. I’m your mother’s closest friend. Oh, your mother sent me to tell you that you have to come back to the nursery. It’s night.” “Bye, Dawnkit! I hope to see you again!” Sunkit calls as he was lead to the leader’s den. His mom was the leader, so he got to sleep with her, you thought. Lucky duck! When you got to the nursery, you see Moonkit and Lightningkit curled up in bed, asleep. “Good night, Dawnkit.” Lionheart and Fernpool say. “Sweet dreams.” You dream about:
  14. And….. CLIFFHANGER!!!! Did you like it? Remember, look out for Part 2. The title of Part 2 is Warrior Cats Love Story Sequel: Part 2.

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