Warrior Cats Love Story Sequel: Part 1(WarriorsLover666)

Hi there, everyone! I’m WarriorsLover666, and this is the sequel to my Warrior Cats Love Story: by WarriorsLover666 quizzes. This is a quiz only for girls, unless you are ok with being a she-cat.
You are playing as a golden tabby she-kit with bright blue eyes, named Dawnkit, the daughter of Fernpool. If you want to hear Fernpool’s story, start with Warrior Cats Love Story: Part 1(by WarriorsLover666). You are a ThunderClan kit. There are 3 toms: Eaglekit, Sunkit, and Hailkit. Will you get playful Eaglekit, silly Sunkit, or shy Hailkit? Take the quiz to find out!