Warriors~Love Story~Part 1

Hi this is my first quiz so pls don’t be mean. Pls post helpful and kind comments. Have a good time doing my quiz! I don’t know what to write anymore so ignore this.

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Created by: SunPelt
  1. You finally open your eyes and you hear a your mother say “See I told you she would wake up” You stagger to your feet when you see a Dark ginger cat staring at you. You get scared and hide behind your mom. Your mom tells you it okay and that the strange cat is Firekit. He asks you if you want to play mossball, you say okay no go outside with him. He says “Hi my name is Firekit and these are my brothers Icekit and Ravenkit.” You see a snow white cat that must be Icekit looking at you bordly and then you look over and see a black cat that is Ravenkit, he looks at you shyly and says hi.
  2. Whatever you do Firekit pushes the ball to you and you push it to a random kit when a warrior comes up to you and you remember that he is the other kits dad. He says Hi to you and tells all of you that your apprentice ceremony is tomorrow! You look at the other kits that have a excited look on there face you start jumping up and down. You….
  3. ~Time skip to the ceremony~You and the other kits are being named! Wavestar has named all of you! You are now Y/N paw. Everyone is cheering your names. “Y/N paw, Firepaw, Ravenpaw, Icepaw! “Y/N paw, Firepaw, Ravenpaw, Icepaw!
  4. (If you choose something to do with Icepaw answer this question is not skip it) Icepaw purrs and brushes his pelt against yours. You see the other toms glaring at Icepaw. You quickly pull away and leave Icepaw with a questioning look on his face. You….
  5. (If you did something with Firepaw answer this question if not skip it) Firepaw purrs and tell you “You deserved it too your the most amazing she-cat in the clans. You purr at his words awhile he entwines your tails together. You look over and see the other toms glaring at Firepaw. You…..
  6. (If you choose something to do with Ravenpaw answer this question if not skip it.) Ravenpaw shyly looked at you and blushed. He licked you cheek gently and you brushed your pelt against his. You see the other toms looking at Ravenpaw darkly. Just then he did something you never thought he would do he murmured “I really like you Y/N paw” You say….
  7. ~Time skip your hunting with the toms and there mentors~ Firepaw comes up with you and asks you “Y/N paw do you like me? He blushes and looks at you with longing eyes. You look back at the other toms there glaring at Firepaw. You……
  8. You stalk a mouse and when your almost there something pulls you into a cave and pins you down. It’s a tom he says “ Wow your the most beautiful cat I have ever seen.” He licks your muzzle. You… (Sorry this is not one of the choices)
  9. (If you struggled, froze or yowled for help answer this question if not skip it) The tom pushes harder and says “Why? We could of have kit together and be mates.” He claws at your belly and pushes hard of your belly. You yowl in pain and the toms come. Icepaw fights the strange tom so he goes running away. You….
  10. (If you licked the tom answer this question if not skip it) You lick the toms muzzle and he starts licking your face for a while then he licks your belly. He comes up to ask you what your name is you say “y It’s Y/N paw.” He says hello and you guys start licking each other and looking at eac( other with lovey dovey eyes. The toms come and they see you guys licking each other, they back away but Firepaw comes out and starts attacking the tom. You yowl “Noooo Firepaw stop!” You jump on Firepaw back and claw his back a little. He stops and looks at you with sadness in his eyes. You…..
  11. ~Time skip your back at camp~ You back at camp and Wavestar is making you and the other apprentices warriors! You think…
  12. You finished your ceremony and you decide to go hunting. You see Firepaw, Icepaw, and Ravenpaw standing at the side looking at you. You decide to go over to them. When you do Firepaw asks you “Y/N we al, really like you who do you pick to be your mate?” You freeze not knowing who to pick. You like all of them as friends. Firepaw is strong and anxious, Icepaw is stubborn but can be kind, and Ravenpaw is shy and sweet.
  13. Thank you for doing my quiz! It took me so long to make this. Please post a comment on who you got!

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