*Warrior cat love story quiz part one*

Hi! This is my first ever quiz, so please don’t get mad if it’s bad and give me tips in the comments! Also let me know if you want a part 2! Oh and if you want more toms!

This quiz will have three toms chasing after you! Which one will you choose? The strong Elkhoof? The sneaky Birch? The shy Stemheart? Please let me know if you do not like these toms!

Created by: Featherwisp
  1. You are finally a warrior! You beamed with pride as your clan calls out you and your sister’s warrior names, “Dawncloud! Leafstorm! Dawncloud! Leafstorm!”
  2. Elkhoof comes over and congratulates you, “ Congrats Dawncloud! Now you can sleep in the warriors den with me! And, um, the others too.”
  3. You sit vigil with your sister Leafstorm, then the next morning you go on a dawn hunting patrol. You are creeping up on a mouse, the others in your patrol somewhere else in the forest, when something barrels into you!
  4. You get dragged into a small hole in the ground that you never noticed, which opened into a small cave. A voice said, “Hello... hmm what is your name... right! Hello Dawncloud. I just admire your beauty and grace, and I wanted to meet you!” You look up to see a white tom with brown tabby spots. You say, “And you are..?” “Oh don’t be silly! I was going to tell you anyways. I’m Birch!” Then he purrs and leans forward.
  5. You stay there frozen and he presses he muzzle to yours over and over again. You finally unfreeze and say, “Birch?” He says, “ Oh yes you must get back before they get worried. Go my love. We will meet again soon!”
  6. You bolt out of the hole and do a quick wash before collecting your prey and sprinting back to camp. When you burst in, you find the camp mostly empty. You sigh with relief. You had not been in the tunnel with birch for as long as you thought! You drop your prey in the fresh kill pile and pretend to think about the day’s activities. But really you were thinking about...
  7. *time skip to Gathering* You walk across the clearing and sit next to Leafstorm, who was looking proud. You are very excited to be at your first Gathering as a warrior! You see a tom looking at you from across the clearing. He is an orange tabby and when you look at him, he looks away shyly but then a few moments later starts to walk across the clearing. He hesitates a few steps away from you, and Leafstorm nudges you. The Gathering had begun! You give an apologetic glance to the tom, then you and Leafstorm sit by Elkhoof
  8. *time skip to three days after the Gathering* You are out patrolling, then you smell something funny... it is....
  9. It is...
  10. CLIFFHANGER! MWA HA HA HA HA! Btw, I forgot to add in the casual result! Sorry! Hoped you liked it!

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