Ultimate Twilight Daycare Quiz!

This is a ultimate Twilight Daycare Trivia quiz! Test your knowledge on Roblox’s Popular game twilight daycare, hopefully you will do well on this, gl

Hopefully you will pass this test, are you a twilight daycare beginner or all star, take this if you wanna know about your true Twilight Daycare kl!!!

Created by: Peyton
  1. What was the full release date of Twilight Daycare? Hint: 2021
  2. How many roles are there in Twilight Daycare? Example: Caretaker
  3. How many perks are there as baby role?
  4. Have you ever played twilight daycare?
  5. How long have you been playing Twilight Daycare?
  6. When your a naughty baby, how many different cries are there?
  7. Can toddlers take care of themselves in the game?
  8. Can you control babies/toddlers needs in twilight daycare
  9. If you said yes to controlling babies needs, what can’t they control?
  10. What does TD stand for? (Very easy question btw)
  11. Can toddlers do the TD activities? Example: Drawing, etc.
  12. If you said yes, how many activities can they do?
  13. Are toddlers bigger than babies in TD?
  14. In TD, is the toddler cries the same as the baby cries?
  15. Can naughty babies walk in TD?
  16. How many baby rides are there in TD?
  17. How many stars do you need to be Master Caretaker?
  18. Can you make your bottle, carrier or stroller a different color?
  19. Can you change your avatar in twilight daycare?
  20. How many floors are there in Twilight Daycare?
  21. Are you a proud twilight daycare fan?
  22. Oh! Almost forgot, how many caretaker rides are there?
  23. Now the quiz is over, did you enjoy it?

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