Are you a great Skateboarder ULTIMATE quiz? 100% accurate!

This is my 2nd quiz ever. Go play the twilight daycare one if you haven’t! This ultimate skateboarding quiz is 100% accurate, so have fun taking it!!!

Are you a beginner skater whose still learning? Or a skateboarding master and will have Olympic dreams in the future? Well take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Peyton
  1. What is the trick you can do BEST! Be honest!
  2. If you can do more tricks how many?
  3. What’s your best obstacle to skate on?
  4. What’s your favorite spot to skate?
  5. Whose your favorite skater?
  6. How many skater friends do you have?
  7. How many years have you been skating?
  8. At the skate park, what do you bring? (Skateboard not included)
  9. What if you're learning a new trick, but failed the trick 10 times, what do you do?
  10. What safety gear do you bring to the skate park?
  11. If a beginner skater starts getting frustrated over a trick what will you do?
  12. How many days a week do you practice your skating?
  13. Did you enjoy my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a great Skateboarder ULTIMATE quiz? 100% accurate!
