The X-Men Have Swapped Personalities! Who are you?

My X-Men, we have been under attack. Your personalities have all swapped, and you don't even know it. I can put you all back into the body and mind you're supposed to be in, but first I need to figure out who is who.

Fill out the quiz, and then I can figure out who is who. Then I can put you all right, and everything will be back to normal. Be careful, the answers may not be what you think.

Created by: Xavier
  1. Are you trustworthy?
  2. How do you feel about your powers?
  3. Are you physically attractive?
  4. What is your response to someone yelling slurs at you?
  5. Are you smart?
  6. Which of these is your favorite underrated Disney movie?
  7. Favorite Princess?
  8. Is danger scary?
  9. Favorite color?
  10. If you were a place, which one would you be?
  11. Which subject in school was your favorite?
  12. Let's say one of the X-Men loses control of their power and accidentally hurts or kills a teammate. What should happen to them?
  13. Favorite Pixar movie?
  14. Imagine that you and someone you love are trapped. One of you has to die so that the other can escape. Your loved one wants to die so that you can live. What do you do?
  15. What word describes who you are?
  16. What word describes who you want to be?
  17. I know you lied. Go back and fix it.

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Quiz topic: The X-Men Have Swapped Personalities! Who am I?
