Marvel Quizzes
The Marvel Comics universe is vast, with a deep bench of heroes ranging from Spiderman to the Avengers to the X-Men, the Hulk and Fantastic Four to Daredevil and Deadpool. And we cannot forget such villains as Dr. Doom, Thanos, Magneto and Galactus!
Marvel has been publishing comics since 1939, although it didn't bear the "Marvel" moniker until 1961 -- the beginning of the Stan Lee era (as well as Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby). Generations have been thrilled by the epic adventures of Marvel's heroes. If you count yourself a fan, you will love our quizzes here. They are each made by fans, to be taken and shared. Please enjoy!
Our Marvel Universe Quizzes
- The Ultimate Marvel Quiz![by: Nom de Plume, rated: 3.14rated: 3.14/5, published: Aug 9, 2018]
This Infinity War-focused quiz will separate the real fans from the casuals. Can you answer all 20 questions?
- Which Avenger Would Be Your Mentor?[by: Hannatude, rated: 4.45rated: 4.45/5, published: Jun 26, 2014]
You've earned the change to work alongside one of the Avengers! But which one?
- Which Captain America Are You?[by: Pesky Redhead, rated: 3.53rated: 3.53/5, published: Nov 18, 2014]
Many people have taken up the name and costume of Captain America since Steve Rogers, and all of them have brought their own unique skills and perspective to…
- How much do you know marvel comics?[by: Jamal S.A, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Jul 15, 2021]
Hi you there l mean you! I just thought of a Marvel comics quiz and BAM! Here it is. It is based on simple facts and you will love it. Well this quiz is…
- How Well Do You Know Your Marvel Superheroes?[by: Mintvoyager, rated: 3.54rated: 3.54/5, published: Feb 26, 2022]
Over the last several years, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has flourished on both the big and small screens. In the next few years alone, Marvel Comics fans…
- Which Marvel Superhero are you?[by: John H., rated: 3.43rated: 3.43/5, published: Feb 10, 2009]
Which Marvel Superhero are you? Find out by taking this fun-filled quiz with realistic questions that apply to day-to-day life. Be honest with your answers…
- Which Marvel character are you?[by: Mok, rated: 3.27rated: 3.27/5, published: Jun 10, 2008]
Marvel Comics has created some of the most powerful heroes and villains of today's world, so which one does your personality resemble the most? Find out here…
- Which MARVEL Super Hero Are You?[by: Ivan, rated: 2.97rated: 2.97/5, published: Jan 21, 2007]
This quiz is basically to decide which Marvel Avengers hero you are. These questions are completely random but have something to do with the character that…
- How Much Of A Marvel Zombie Are You ?[by: Sullylou42, rated: 2.79rated: 2.79/5, published: Jan 28, 2007]
Here are a few questions for all you Marvel fans dedicated enough to be proud to read Spider Man on a bus. Good luck and do your best.
- It's Time For a MARVEL Quiz![by: Samuel, rated: 2.73rated: 2.73/5, published: Dec 10, 2008]
This is quiz that tests you knowledge about the Marvel comics (and not the movies)! You will find super easy questions and terribly difficult questions.
- Fabulous Fantastic Four Quiz[by: Tek Pa, rated: 2.5rated: 2.5/5, published: Jul 12, 2007]
With the Fantastic Four movie out, many claim to be a fan, but how much of a fan are you, really? This quiz tests on the Fantastic Four from the last 40 years.
- Marvel Comics Characters 1st Apperances[by: Kevin Norwood, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Apr 10, 2022]
Hello True Believers. This is your chance to shine, provided you know the precise comic book series and issue number, that some of the most popular heroes and…
Daredevil Quizzes
- How much do you Daredevil (all version of the Marvel charact[by: pericothebig, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Sep 3, 2018]
This is a quiz about the Marvel character Daredevil. All versions of him are being considered for the test. Questions have diferents grades of difficulty and…
Iron Man Quizzes
- Iron Man Armor Quiz[by: Dragon, rated: 3.69rated: 3.69/5, published: Nov 19, 2009]
Many people know about Iron Man and his freakin awesome armor. The problem is that we the people cannot experience what is it like to wear that tin can of…
- Everyone knows Iron Man[by: Kristina, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: May 28, 2010]
I have watched Iron man at least ten times. It is one of my favorate movies next to Harry Potter and Transformers. I am so going to see the sequel, which is…
- How Much of a (Cinematic) Iron Man Fan Are You?[by: Cookieh, rated: 2.79rated: 2.79/5, published: Jan 29, 2015]
You've seen the movies, now can you correctly answer these Iron Man trivia questions?
- How well do you know Iron Man?[by: Daniel Tait, rated: 2.78rated: 2.78/5, published: Jan 20, 2016]
Be warned, this is a tough quiz on aspects of Iron Man that only a dedicated fan would know.
Spider-Man Quizzes
- Would Peter Parker Date You?[by: Emily Simmons, rated: 4.26rated: 4.26/5, published: Sep 3, 2017]
This Quiz will determine whether or not Peter Parker would date you! Pete is a sweet young man... Can you win his heart? Good luck! And thank you so much for…
- Could you be Spiderman?[by: Grant, rated: 4.06rated: 4.06/5, published: Jul 31, 2009]
Think you could be the web-slinging hero? This quiz will find out.
- Which Spiderman Version are you?[by: Tom, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Oct 30, 2012]
Have you ever wondered which spiderman you would be out of the video game "Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions". If you answer all the questions you will see the…
- Which Amazing Spider-Man 2 Character Are You?[by: spideylover101, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: Aug 5, 2014]
There are many great superheros in the marvel universe. They each have a certain story on how they become who they are today they're all unique in a…
- Which Peter Parker Spider-man are you?[by: Roy Spencer, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: May 26, 2015]
When he was bitten by a radioactive spider, high-school student Peter Parker gained a suite of powers reminiscent of a spider, including agility,…
X-Men Quizzes
Find them on our X-Men page.
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