X-Men Quizzes
The X-Men are a cadre of Marvel Comics superheroes, mutants trying to live in peace with regular humans while fighting powerful villains. Fans of the comics, the movies, or any other X-Men media should give the quizzes here a try.
Our X-Men Quizzes
- Which Mutant Are You From the X-Men Movies?[by: em2250, rated: 3.61rated: 3.61/5, published: Sep 3, 2012]
Which mutant are you most like from of the X-Men movies? Wolverine, Jean, Cyclops, Professor X, Magneto, Mystique, Pyro, Iceman, or Rouge? This is the only…
- Which of the male X-Men are you? (TAS, ideologies)[by: OneOfUs, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Feb 27, 2022]
Which of these X-Men are you? You could be Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops, Beast, or Professor X. There's only the boys because I had to limit the number of…
- What "X-Men: The Animated Series" Character Are You?[by: Mystique, rated: 4.84rated: 4.84/5, published: Sep 25, 2021]
This quiz gives you scenarios. You click whatever sounds most like how you would react. The quiz then tells you which of the X-Men:TAS characters is most like…
- Which female mutant are you?[by: Marvel1Fan, rated: 4.77rated: 4.77/5, published: Aug 19, 2021]
In this Marvel quiz, you can find out which female mutant you are. This is 100% accurate. Also, this X-Women quiz not only contains heroes but anti-heroines,…
- The X-Men Have Swapped Personalities! Who are you?[by: Xavier, rated: 4.5rated: 4.5/5, published: Nov 10, 2021]
My X-Men, we have been under attack. Your personalities have all swapped, and you don't even know it. I can put you all back into the body and mind you're…
- What X-Men Mutant Are You?[by: Cooper, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Dec 13, 2017]
Welcome! What X-Men mutant are you? There are so many personalities, which you will find out. Do the test to find out what mutant you are! Enjoy!
- Extensive X-Men Trivia and History Quiz[by: J Derrick Unger, rated: 3.88rated: 3.88/5, published: Nov 7, 2018]
Welcome, New Mutants! If you want to graduate to X-Men, you're going to have to pass a history test. We can't have any noobs messing up the facts on any…
- What X-Men: Evolution Character Are You?[by: Emma, rated: 3.49rated: 3.49/5, published: Dec 21, 2012]
There are many types of people, and many shows. One of the greatest cartoons ever (in many people's opinion anyway) is x men evolution. And mine too.
- Which X-men Are You?[by: Melinda, rated: 3.4rated: 3.4/5, published: May 31, 2008]
Mutants. They are everywhere if you just look hard enough for them. Some of the more famous ones are the X-men. Which one are you? Headstrong Logan or maybe…
- Which original X-Man are you?[by: Dylan Standlea, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Aug 28, 2006]
In the 1960s, Stan Lee unveiled the uncanny X-men upon an unsuspecting populace. While an entire pantheon of heroes and anti-heroes have joined their ranks,…
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