Which Peter Parker Spider-man are you?

When he was bitten by a radioactive spider, high-school student Peter Parker gained a suite of powers reminiscent of a spider, including agility, wall-crawling, and the ability to sense danger (his trademark "spider-sense"). When Peter learned that his beloved Uncle Ben had been murdered by a thief that Peter himself had selfishly allowed to escape, he realized that with his new powers also came a new obligation of responsibility to use them for good. Since that day, Spider-Man has fought criminals and super-villains while enduring a constant barrage of negative press, a stream of personal losses, and the occasional crisis of confidence. Somehow he manages to maintain a positive attitude, and rarely lacks for a humorous quip when battling bad guys.

Do you have what it takes to become a Spider-man? If you were, which Spider-man do you see yourself as when you look in the mirror? Take this test to see which Peter Parker you are!

Created by: Roy Spencer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What motivates you to be Spider-man?
  2. If given the chance, would you give up being Spider-man?
  3. What would your suit be preferably?
  4. Once the crook's/Super Villains are defeated, what is your form of justice?
  5. The woman you love dies in your arms by your deadliest foe, how do you seek justice?
  6. How do you describe your persona as Spider-man?
  7. What do you consider yourself?
  8. What best describes you?
  9. After you save the day countless times, the media dubs you a menace, you have to skip occasions with family and friends and your whole life is struggling, what do you do?
  10. You see the girl you like, you think to yourself that if she knew you were Spider-man, how things could be between each other. Do you...

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Quiz topic: Which Peter Parker Spider-man am I?