The Religious Identity Test | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Religious Identity Test.
Humanist--very accurate. Also a Unitarian Universalist. :)
The problem with the quiz results is that someone can be very religious and not be a Christian. There *are* other religions out there.
Your Result: Somewhat humanistic, with some supernaturalism
You have a generally humanistic outlook, though you tend to be open to some ideas that would be considered supernaturalistic. Hence, you probably reject most of the dogma and creed of traditional religion, and you probably consider most organized religions outdated in today's world. You value reason, but an attachment to supernaturalism lingers in you. Describing yourself as Christian would not be accurate, as your general outlook is more humanistic than Christian.
Sound s pretty accurate, but it's Klingonistic.
Hey 1) I am a Christian and 2)Not all Christians believe in war in Iraq. That was George Bush's decision ok. But when Islamic extremists want to kill us because we don't comform to their religion, when they send planes into our country to kill innocent Americans we have a right to fight back!
The Religious Identity Test
Your Result: Somewhat humanistic, with some supernaturalism
You have a generally humanistic outlook, though you tend to be open to some ideas that would be considered supernaturalistic. Hence, you probably reject most of the dogma and creed of traditional religion, and you probably consider most organized religions outdated in today's world. You value reason, but an attachment to supernaturalism lingers in you. Describing yourself as Christian would not be accurate, as your general outlook is more humanistic than Christian.
Yeah but my religion is Budhism not Christian.
You have a generally humanistic outlook, though you tend to be open to some ideas that would be considered supernaturalistic. Hence, you probably reject most of the dogma and creed of traditional religion, and you probably consider most organized religions outdated in today's world. You value reason, but an attachment to supernaturalism lingers in you. Describing yourself as Christian would not be accurate, as your general outlook is more humanistic than Christian.
it's like the same for everyone. may tell me what i'm "like" but doesn't identify a path.
Somewhat humanistic, with some supernaturalism
You have a generally humanistic outlook, though you tend to be open to some ideas that would be considered supernaturalistic. Hence, you probably reject most of the dogma and creed of traditional religion, and you probably consider most organized religions outdated in today's world. You value reason, but an attachment to supernaturalism lingers in you. Describing yourself as Christian would not be accurate, as your general outlook is more humanistic than Christian.
Oh, and I'm an athiest, and also, you stupid, backwards americans think that you're the only ones who have been effected by terrorism. You people are all the same, ignorant, and intolerant.
true Atheists unite!
Well, I have an answer too your question! Well sorta.. Ok.. Well... If you reading this, I will go back on this everyday so maybe we can talk... Ok well as I was saying... If people don't know about God they, still, go to Hell! And I don't think that is right... Because their just a random person that the person doesn't know about God and then all of a sudden when their died.. They just go to that place.. Well, I have to go bye! Nice taking this quiz! P.S I'm a Christian
jzja1 -
Hikaru Katsu, you are just being mean and stupid. Not all Christians are intolerant, mean, or stupid. I myself am a Christian and I tolerate others' beliefs. Not all Christians are intolerant. You were probably thinking of Baptists when you said that. They are mean, hypocritical, and too head-strong. THEY are the intolerant ones. THEY are the ones who think only THEIR way is the right way.
There are many denominations of Christianity. You need to realize that not all of them are like that. I'm not. Just saying.
Religion is more than christianity. This is "are you a christian" not "religious identity". I laughed a little when I got far enough to realize it and took it anyway. Of course I'm not a christian. I've been a pagan for over a decade.
rascal1 -
this quiz is not a very good one. because god is not a religion. god is the word of god and you dont need religion to discover god. i havent been to any church in a long time yet my relationship with god hasnt faultered. imaintain a strong relationship with god and pray every day and often. religion is created by man and is not really a good indication sometimes of what god is all about. all you need is the bible and some good common sense and do some biblical research
hasher1 -
I am 100% Christian. Some of your test questions do not seem to accurately reflect true Christianity. I do not believe that my standing as a committed, knowledgable Christian is in question; but that your understanding of the doctrinal issues is. You don't seem to have a complete grasp of Christian doctrine based on your evaluation. I recommend further study.
Religion just creates division and unnecessary conflicts amongst people.The comments of this quiz are the evidences.
Most of these options are ridiculous. This quiz is crap, and not a "religious identity" quiz but an "Are you a Christian or Nah" quiz... I do not recommend this at all
he Religious Identity Test
Your Result: ChristianYou generally accept most of the basic beliefs and doctrines of Christianity, and you are probably accurate if you describe yourself, your world view, and your religious beliefs as Christian. =)
me3e31 -
I feel this is a biased identity test-options are too limited for anything other general statements
srg2 -
Jehovah's witnesses seem to make the most sense to me, but if you can' t handle "being no part of the world" as Jesus said then you might not wanna go there.
jazzsid1 -
Jesus was nothing but a dirty old hypocrate. He didn't save anyone nor will he in the future. Jesus was not the son of god, but a usless prophet for todays media.
Just out of curiosity... why, when you come up with mostly humanist and a little bit of supernatural and post it on faacebook is there a picture of a woman with the word Neurotic...NOT FUNNY GUYS... GROW UP
i will never be a christian again and i have studied 5 religions in 8 years i do believe the monks and vodoo preist and priestes are right every thing go hand and nature and science and math every life has a soul and a right to live and like a puzzle some things as a human looking from a soul inside a body our natural eyes and mind dont understand and cant understand until we reach the spirit world life does not end i repeat life does not stop at death our soul or u can say spirit leave our body only the body dies
vodoo1 -
Humanist. Indeed I am!
Kepler2 -
SORRY, I HATE to be called a 'humanist'. Just like I dislike commies & nazis, I also have a VERY low opinion of humanists. Let say I am a deist, & with a mysanthropic opinion of humans in general. Little good comes from them. 'Humanist'? Uhhggg!
oh, man stupid auto correct, it changed my name from an agnostic ye to an atheist ye. also you atheists are kinda not-so-smart. science can only disprove 1 religion: christianity all the others such as Islam, buddhism, and judaism haven't been disproved by science.
77% Christian
You generally accept most of the basic beliefs and doctrines of Christianity, and you are probably accurate if you describe yourself, your world view, and your religious beliefs as Christian.
idea85361 -
I'm a humanist. That's cool cause I'm atheist.