The Religious Identity Test | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Religious Identity Test.
Religions=racism, different ethnicity=could be a racism, a good law without religion=will avoid both.
eddy942 -
for untill im older ill identify as a male, 999 billion eon old dragon to keep things fun and polite! [999 billion eons is young for a dragon. i beleive in dragons. i know i might seem weird. please ge tused to my antics cuz im here for life.]
Who cares, it's just a quiz, people.
*goes to take Spartan quizzes* -
My religion isn't on here. I'm suppose to be Catholic, but since it isn't there, I guess I'm Humanist?
I agree with reza. The questions and possible answers were oriented toward those of Christian vs non-Christian.
calfhill1 -
78% Christian
Dislikin g televangelists doesn't make me any less Christian than people who do. Christianity isn't about televangelism.
and this quiz did nothing but cause dissension. i think people know what their religion is without taking a quiz about it.
hmm, i'm a Humanist...
magegirl2 -
Hmm, this was pretty good. But what about other religions?
mariofan1 -
how can evolution make sense? if you look at our world how can you possibly believe it all happened by chance?
read origin of the species and you'll find out. single celled forms of life grouped together in sterile aquatic areas to group together and become multi cell organisms. the multiple cell species were able to go out into non-sterile salt water and it would only kill off some of the cells and mutate others. these mutated cells became the gray matter in our brains today. later the matter to make up hearts and other vital organs were made too. likely, some species was born with a mutation called a lung so it could crawl on land as well as in water. then that species reproduced to create more of the same mutation. Now, fast forward a billion years, and we have the first primate. it wasn't very practical for survival but managed to reproduce and create mutations each one slightly different than the last. It had three main mutations that are still alive now: chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans. in the middle of the human evolution branch we have the homo-erectus yes, yes, snicker all you want at that but that is the scientific name for it. the homo-erectus is the classical caveman that you see in far side comics. a million years after that we have the homo-saipien, or the modern man and here we are.
100% Christian!!! I truly believe in God and that one day we will be judged by the almighty. 0% Catholic!!
hello?! there are other major religions other than Christianity!!! im really pissed that they only mention the Bible...
Protestant Christian here
pathetic christians calling islam pure evil then back peddles when someone doesn't believe in their religion and says they will burn in hell
dkskls1 -
this test really didnt tell me anything about myself i didnt know it was christian or not and i got not because i know im not a christian
this was a Christian or not test, not a test of all people.
reza2 -
any religious guys wanna debate me?
"do not be surprised, all muslims beleive in most christian beleifs."
Yeah, also don't be surprised, all muslims believe that christians should convert to their twisted religion or die.
Islam is pure evil.-
f--- you
Chris tian is a large group and in that group is Catholics. That means you are a Christian... a Catholic-Christian. [:
some people on this page apparently (but not necessarily conciously) have a secret wish to burn in hell!
to these people i say:"ok you can go to hell"!
yasser0 -
i am neither christian nor humanist
however i beleive in most christian beleifs because i am muslim!
do not be surprised, all muslims beleive in most christian beleifs.
yasser1 -
Humanist :)
Shinah1 -
the title could have been made more clear, but quiz wasn't bad
this is bad quiz 9-4 GANG CHRIS TOFU CHESS AMAZING