an atheist ye's Profile
an atheist ye
Joined on May 13, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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"true Atheists unite!"
In response to Hikaru Katsu:
"Oh, and I'm an athiest, and also, you stupid,…"
1 -
"look, here stupid Flanders, it might have a few mistakes, but so what?, also why the heck do you put all the weird symbols, it just…"
In response to john 3_30:
"Final comment; 3 out of 3.
13. Which…"
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"f--- you"
In response to Simpo Jack:
""do not be surprised, all muslims beleive in…"
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"Oh yeah finally someone else who wants to overthrow the sky dictator"
In response to freethinkingatheist:
"says im 90% but im here to say 100%. There is…"
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"this is so stupid. if i checked off i as the christian god, i would have gotten something like 90%. You bonehead."
1 -
"look, it takes 1,000 years to grow an inch of topsoil, and there are fossils that are miles under ground. meaning that if the earth were…"
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"oh, it YOU again"
In response to Camelia:
"Wow, how blind can people be? Just look, the…"
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"i accidentally logged out and couldn't remember my password. my previous account was an atheist111111"
3 -
"read origin of the species and you'll find out. single celled forms of life grouped together in sterile aquatic areas to group together…"
In response to lotrnut:
"how can evolution make sense? if you look at our…"
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"oh, man stupid auto correct, it changed my name from an agnostic ye to an atheist ye. also you atheists are kinda not-so-smart. science…"