The random quiz about Harry potter!

This is only on the order of the Phoenix! Sorry I thought it would just be random questions about Harry potter in it but...... Major spoilers so if you have not finished the book do not take quiz!!!

Instead it's a harry potter quiz with sensable questions with randomness "squeezed" in. You might want to have the order of the Phoenix with you to take this quiz. And I mean the book... I don't want you traveling all the way to London, finding grimmauld place and bringing the actual order of the phonix home with you. Not that the.... Ha .... Password.... Ha ..... Works.... Hehe ha.

Created by: Hiya!!!!
  1. What was the bush Harry was hiding behind in the order of the phoenix to listen to news?
  2. In the order of the Phoenix, on the day ofthe hearing, what was tonks's hair like?
  3. What is the plan Neville has on the hogwarts train?
  4. Why does gryffindor have no points when snape tries to take some away when catching Harry trying to jinx malfoy?
  5. When did Harry realize what his dream about windowless corridors was about?
  6. When did dumbledore finally look at Harry?
  7. Do you like Harry potter?
  8. What is bellatrixes.....OMG A BANANA!!!!!!!..... Last name?
  9. Omigosh!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! TINY DETAIL!!!!!!! What on earth is tonks's mothers name??????
  10. Omigosh hardest question of ALL time!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO KILLED SIRIUS BLACK????? We all wonder this for hours at a time!;)
  11. Did you like my quiz AND bananas???

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