The Love Story of Mosscloud! Part 5!

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So hi! Welcome to part 5! Just letting you know, I think we are nearing the end! In part 6, the prophecy will mostly be fulfilled. And part 7, I think just might wrap everything up. So yeah. The image is of Ashkit! Random nonsense:


  1. Do you remember what happened last time?
  2. Are you ready!
  3. You have been having tons of pains in your belly. You decide to go to Whiteberry. She greets you warmly. “Hi Mosscloud, what’s the matter?” You tell her you’ve been having pains in your belly. She feels your belly. She pauses, then starts talking. “Congratulations Mosscloud, you’re expecting kits! Head to the nursery!” She smiles and purrs as you leave.
  4. Before you start the rest of the quiz, which of the toms do you like the most and are mates with? They will be known as M(for mate).
  5. Now, which of the toms do you dislike most? They will be known as E(for enemy).
  6. You decide to gather all the toms together. “Hello everyone, I have decided who my mate will be. It will be….. M!!! M, I am expecting your kits, by the way.” M purrs in delight, while E looks at you in disgust. Poisonfang comes and starts talking to E. The other toms leave, while M escorts to the nursery.
  7. When you go out to stretch, E comes over. "I heard about them. Congratulations." he says curtly, and stalks away. You watch him, feeling a bitter sting of remorse for E. You stretched like you were going to do and was about to walk in, but Falconstar called a meeting and you went to sit down, M next to you and E as far away from you as possible. Falconstar announces that you are going to have kits with M. "Mosscloud! Mosscloud!" everyone cheers. It is soon raining and you go inside, lulled by the sound of the pit-patting rain and falling into a deep sleep. You dream of:
  8. Suddenly, you hear a loud yowl. You start to rush towards the sound. You notice that Robin wasn’t in the camp. M sees you and comes with you.
  9. You follow the noise to the training hollow. You recognize Fogfall’s pelt. Robin was pinned to the ground. Fogfall was about to make the final blow….
  10. M rushes in helping Robin, while you face off with Fogfall. “I should have known you’d come. You’re worthless and stupid. You don’t deserve to live!” You screech and aim for his throat, fighting viciously.
  11. Soon, Fogfall jumps at your throat. You thought it was over. Then, a brown flash of fur rushed in… then there was a loud screech and both toms fell. You black out.
  12. You find yourself in a star-covered forest. You were in StarClan. “Hello, Mosscloud.” *Rosedawn!* you think. “Before you ask, no you haven’t died. Robin has, and is safe with us. Fogfall has also died. Your mate killed him. Fogfall is in the Dark Forest. Oh, and Mosscloud? Never trust him. Until we meet again.”
  13. You begin you cough several times. There were several contractions in your belly, each one worse than the next. Luckily, you were in the nursery. M fetched Whiteberry.
  14. You shivered and squeezed the stick in your jaws as your first kit slid out, then the second. "Congratulations," she said. "A she-kit and a tom." M came. "What will we name them, Dawnflower?" he asked. "Ashkit," you say, pointing your muzzle to a ginger cat with white patches, and with blue eyes. "And this will be Twigkit." M turned to the last one, a dark brown tabby tom with green eyes. You purr, and he does the same. But then, a voice echoes in your head, “Moss and falcon seek hope, and ashes will rise anew…” You think:
  15. Yeah…that’s it!
  16. Wait for it…

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